Currently, when deciding to acquire a car with an LPG installation, the buyer only takes into consideration the financial benefits resulting from using that type of fuel. Unfortunately, it often happens that it is forbidden to bring such cars into underground car parks. Why do such limitations exist?
“Because leaking LPG may be very dangerous. It is heavier than air, and instead of escaping, it accumulates in low-situated areas. In an underground car park, it may “spill” on a large area, filling manholes and drains. Then, even one spark is enough to cause a large explosion.
The gas may pose a threat but it does not have to be a major one. No such case has been noted till date. This, however, does not mean that we do not need to be careful”.
The most important fact is that the inadmissibility of cars equipped with LPG installations to car parks is caused only by the fact that they are non-adapted to handle such vehicles. In order to meet expectations of all our customers, when designing the car park, Budimex Parking Wrocław took into consideration the necessity to include solutions allowing even LPG or LNG powered cars to park safely in the nearest surroundings of the Centennial Hall complex.
Date 02.06.2015